Monday, January 09, 2017

wake-up call...

So I have had this particular blog since December 2009, but I've deleted all of the previous posts in order to start fresh. I may end up adding excerpts from previous posts as we progress on this journey.

I have been blogging on and off since 2000. In December 2009, I was under 40 and had been yo-yo dieting and struggling with weight for years. I have started and stopped and started and stopped the best program I have found in my life. During my pregnancy in 2008, I started out overweight and only gained 15 pounds by following TLS eating habits...and that baby was 9 pounds 5 ounces! At the end of this pregnancy, I was officially at the highest weight of my life. A year or so later I lost 25 pounds, which was my lowest weight since before baby #3.

Unfortunately, I let life and stress get in the way,  and I ended up having thyroid issues and slowly began to gain weight no matter what I tried. After awhile, I just gave up trying. I don't eat especially unhealthily, but I haven't been following TLS either. Then along came this year, lots more stress at work and at home. At the beginning of 2017 I find myself tied with my highest weight ever (pre-delivery of baby #3). But was that the wake-up call? Not really.

The wake-up call came when I started looking at lab results and realized that I am no longer the only "unhealthy" person in our home. It made me take a hard look at our family's lifestyle choices, including eating habits, drinking habits (sodas, sweet tea, alcohol, etc.), sleep habits and movement habits. We need to make some changes and develop some better habits.

Thankfully, I have the knowledge and the tools at my fingertips to begin turning things around. I'm starting with myself today. (It's almost 2 a.m., so I will not be improving my sleep habits yet!) I am drinking my Isotonix vitamins before heading to bed. (It's normally best to do first thing in the morning, but I can't take them with my thyroid medicine.) When I wake up in a few hours, I will be weighing myself. We'll see if I'm still at my all-time high or not.

I am beginning the TLS 21 Day Challenge today. On Friday I will begin a cleanse using the NutriClean 7 Day Cleansing System. I have a three day weekend and it's best to do a cleanse when you can get rest. I can't wait to see where this journey leads. It's definitely time to make the necessary changes to reverse the damage we've allowed to happen to our bodies by becoming healthier than we've ever been.

Stay tuned for some exciting announcements and challenges! If you want to join me on this adventure, feel free to register at and let me know if you need more info!

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